I think people are getting some crossed wired here.

And in my opinion, its just the journey to our afterlife, wherever that :). Your opinion maybe its morbid, but the O.P.'s desire is because he wants to know how it happened, for his own eyes not 10 different accounts of newspapers.Īnd the reason i say its exactly morbid, besides the curiosity part, is because its a normal thing to desire understanding death.Īl death is a natural part of life. What I'm saying is its more curiosity and not morbid in nature. (This aspect of our nature is often referred to as the 'Car Crash Syndrome' or 'Trainwreck Syndrome', derived from the notorious inability of passersby to ignore such accidents.)'.Yea yea! I know the definition of morbid, thank you! According to Aristotle, in his Poetics Ch 4 we even ?enjoy contemplating the most precise images of things whose sight is painful to us?. In a milder form, however, this can be understood as a cathartic form of behaviour or as something instinctive within humans.

"A morbid curiosity is a compulsion, fixed with excitement and fear, to know about macabre topics, such as death and horrible violence (see also: snuff film). i can't speak for everyone but i've seen the beheading tapes and what not and i done it because it gives me an insight to what people in this mad planet are actually capable of, video's like that can really open people's minds, you may need to have a bit of a strong head to take it in, but if people want to see what happened i don't see anything wrong with it. Why do people see death as something sick, by this i mean DEATH itself, not the events leading to the death or how the death happens? obviously not the best of topics, but its completly nartual and happens to EVERYONE. The last thing we as a society needs is idiots parading the video on their sick little websites. The tape should be destroyed after it's used in the investigation. Sure maybe see him BEFORE but actually being stabbed and dieing? Thats sort of sick if you ask me. I wouldnt be suprised if his own family declined to see the video if offered. It's just some sick morbid fascination or something people have and I see no reason for it.

It's like those people that watched the tapes of terrorist beheading people.I mean seriously you know the outcome so why watch it.surely theres nothing to be gained. Seriously why on earth would you want to see someone die. Ehh what? Believe it all you like, we can get Tupac and princees Diana to deliver it if you like.